Often an aging loved one needs help re-organizing and/or downsizing in the event they are a surviving partner, disabled in some capacity, or in need of help moving to a smaller home, a retirement community, or care facility. Liquidating many of their cherished possessions that they are unable to manage the care of or take with them can be an emotional and daunting task for you, or your loved one and family members.
5 Star Estate Sales offers our services to help your loved one transition by:
moving (arranging other transport, as needed),
unpacking/staging new residence,
holding an estate sale to help take the burden and stress often associated with such a big emotional life event!
Hosting an Estate Sale: A lot goes into preparing for and holding an estate sale. Feeling overwhelmed? We're here to help! What 5 Star Concierge, LLC will do for you:
Sort through items and clean out storage areas to determine what your loved one is able to keep, what will be set aside for family members, and what is to be inventoried, priced and sold in a publicized/advertised 5 Star Estate Sale held at our client's current place of residence.
We will also clean up, and if you wish, donate whatever items remain at the end of the sale.
Here is an example of our ad for a 5 Star Estate Sale. One of our clients previously had us move his belongings out of storage into his home and stage it for his return while he was living out state at that time. He has recently moved again, leaving his well-furnished home in our care to hold an estate sale of all the beautiful furnishings that he opted not to transport long distance this time around. We were also happy to help make his move a smooth one by packing up what he did decide take with him, and load his car and trailer for his road trip.

Our professional and compassionate team of personal assistants are here to offer our support. Please contact us for a free consultation. Serving Lane County, Oregon.
email: lori@5starconcierge.org mobile: 541-816-1730